Monday, August 18, 2008

Top Six Reasons Natural Cures are better then Manufactured Drugs

  1. Natural cures are less expensive then manufactured drugs. This is because drug companies care more about the money they can make rather then the people they can help. It is also because natural ingredients are inexpensive and can often be found right in your kitchen.
  2. Natural ingredients are easier to find then those found in manufactured drugs. This is because you use natural ingredients to make natural cures. You only use things that you can find in your local grocery store; such as, fruits, veggies, spices, and herbs.
  3. Natural cures are cleaner because they come from natural earthbound ingredients rather then chemicals.
  4. There are fewer side effects associated with natural remedies then with manufactured drugs. Not only are the side effects that come with manufactured drugs bothersome but some drugs come with side effects that are life threatening.
  5. Natural cures are milder then manufactured drugs. This is again due to the fact that all the ingredients used in natural cures are in fact natural opposed to chemical.
  6. Natural cures are more effective and can treat many illnesses. Some of these include stomach pain, acidity , acne, age, spots, bad breath, migraines, dandruff, eczema, allergies, yeast infections, warts and countless others.

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